We’ve been trapped in a hazy pink dream ever since we first listened to the indie pop of Charlottetown’s Sorrey. Mixtape Magazine presents the exclusive video premiere of “Slow Chunk”, the first glimpse of a new album set to come out later on in 2017. We chatted with Emilee Sorrey to find out a little more about the video, song and cats.
Hey there, happy 420. So tell us a little bit about this new video. Who made it and where did the concept come from?
Hi, happy four twenty indeed. The visuals were developed by our friend Ali O’Sullivan. She’s a really amazing mixed media visual artist currently based in MTL. She definitely understood the aesthetic we were going for with our sound and show last year, so she created this set of visuals to match and we were projecting them onto us during live sets for a few months. The stuff is great and I knew it had legs for something more than a few live projections. My bandmate Colin suggested releasing a track on the fly last week and we were able to wrangle Dan Weston to master it and our friend Chris Robison to cut a video edit for us with a few days notice. He’s great, and we’re spoiled with helpful, talented friends.
And this is a brand new song. Is this from a new album? How’s work on that been going?
It sure is. We’re about halfway through recording our next album and hope to release it sometime in the fall. The process is a bit different this time around as our band is scattered around right now, but we’re taking the time we need to produce something solid. We’re working out of The Hill Sound Studio in Charlottetown.
There’s lots of pink in this video, your first cassette was pink and I’ll probably forever associate soft pink with Sorrey. Is that aesthetic intentional?
Yeah, at this point. It felt like the right theme to use for the last album, and I definitely thought of switching it up drastically for this next one, but hey, the tone and feel of the music haven’t really changed. It’s still in that dreamy pop world that I feel is very pink. It works, we’re not sick of it, and I have a lot of cool pink things now.
We’re contractually obligated to ask about any cat we see in a music video. Please tell us about the beauty in “Slow Chunk.”
Snowball! Snowball is my dad’s cat that lives in Cape Breton. We took that footage at the ECMA last year in Sydney. Snowball is truly a fierce hunter and is typically outdoors for most of the day until he has a trophy (or two) to bring home. So, the portrayal of Snowball in this video is unusually tender.
Looks like another busy summer and spring for Sorrey. What’s the band up to the next few months here?
The next few weeks takes us into festival season. We’re hitting up Flourish Festival (April 22), ECMA (April 28), May Run Music Festival (May 14), and Paddlefest (May 20). After that we can get back to finishing up the album and playing some one-off dates over the summer.